It’s Time to Get Back to The Basics

More qualified traffic to your store or website.  Higher volume of better quality leads.  And of course, higher sales with a lower cost of acquisition.  Pretty much sums up what every marketer on the planet wants.

In the constant race for customers, most automotive marketers seem quick to jump on the newest band wagon hoping it proves to be the silver bullet they’ve been looking for.   And while new marketing platforms seem to appear every day, I believe it’s really important to have a solid grasp of the basics, and that’s what we’ll discuss in this video.

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No rule for successful marketing is sacred.  And no advertising medium has the market cornered and is holding all your potential customers hostage.  But before you start investing in media campaigns, you should spend some time mastering the four Ps of marketing that will help you win more customers: 

Not familiar with the 4 p’s?  Here they are  –  product, price, place, and promotion.

So let’s start with product:  Ask yourself  –  How’s your product mix?  Do you have what consumers want to buy?   Or are you stocking up on what you like to sell?  Are there enough of those consumers in the market that will justify you being in business?  You could be the greatest widget maker on the planet.  But if no one wants your widgets, you’re doomed from the start.

Price:   How’s your pricing model?   Are consumers able and willing to pay what you’re asking?  Are you checking the market to see if your pricing is in line?   We all know that consumers are willing to pay more for excellent service.   But there is always a line they won’t cross.  And the more competitive you can be – the better. 

Place:  now this is where the marketing campaign comes in.  Are your messages being delivered to consumers on the platforms they actually use?  You personally might be the #1 user of instagram.  Just don’t fall into the trap thinking that all of your customers do the same things that you do and  are in the same place as you.  Make sure you put your messages on the places where your customers actually are.   And – when they are able to act.

Promotion  –  this is where it goes fun.  What’s your message?  What’s your offer?   How are you  communicating with your audience and what are you saying to them to get them to visit you?

And while I’m thinking about it, i’d add a 5th P  –  your people..   People still buy from people.  And they always choose places they feel they know, like and can trust.   And there’s no better way to help with this than to get you and your people out there telling your story.   

So go ahead and look for those new opportunities, technologies and marketing  platforms.   Just don’t forget the basics, and the core principles that will help make you successful.

Thanks for watching this video.    I hope you found this helpful as you go to work to work building a better campaign..