Simple Is Best
Ask any business owner how to improve their sales volume, they’d likely respond with, “Traffic. I need more traffic so we can make more sales.”
And in the quest for traffic, it’s easy to get distracted by all the new tech and ad campaign opportunities that present themselves everyday.
Unfortunately, these distractions often cause added complexity to the business and mixed messages to the consumer.
And if you haven’t noticed by now, confused consumers don’t buy.
As you chart your course for 2025, I believe keeping it simple will prove to be the best plan of action.
→ Simple messaging.
→ Simple media plan.
→ Simple system for follow-up and lead nurturing.
Simple always wins.
Here are several tips to help you make (and keep) your ad campaign simple:
#1) Keep Your Message Simple.
Complex thoughts, a laundry list of details, lots of product offerings and price points will have the audience tuning out in less time than it took for you to read this line.
#2) Keep Your Ads Motivating.
Your ads need to reach deep into the emotional chasm of consumers. Customers are people. They are living, relational beings with needs and desires. Your ads need to speak to the customer and communicate what they care about. Most ads fall short since they typically list the features the owner thinks are important. You need to think like your customer thinks and communicate with them on their level.
#3) Keep Your Ads Positive.
Why waste time bashing the other guy when you could be convincing potential customers that you are the better choice?
Ads that focus on the negative traits of competitors rarely generate the desired response. In fact, when you tell consumers that your competitors are guilty of some poor practice, deep down they’re thinking you might be guilty too. Why even plant that seed?
#4) Keep Your Ad Budget Focused.
There’s lots of new opportunities and places to place your ad. Few advertisers have the financial resources to buy multiple media and do it effectively. Most follow the spray & pray guide to buying media. Spray a few ads here and a few over there and pray people respond.
This strategy makes a lot of sense to business owners as they don’t want to leave anyone out. The result is that they reach too many people with too little to no repetition.
Consider the benefits of focusing on a smaller group of people and make yours the name that pops into their head when they want or need what you sell. And besides, do you really need to reach everyone in town? How many customers do you need to be successful? Choose your battles wisely and set out to win the war.
#5) Keep Your Campaign Consistent.
The human brain is amazing. It has the ability of filtering out messages and erasing its short term memory bank each night.
Successful advertisers realize that to win customers, they need a simple message that’s consistently communicated.
And this will generate the traffic you started out looking for.