Thanks for checking out Do It Yourself Advertising.
Our only goal with this educational program is to help you get a better handle on your advertising and marketing programs, and teach you how to manage your campaign yourself.
Click here to check out the curriculum and our learning platform.
The reason why I put this course together is simple – I’ve heard from dozens of business owners & dealers who have said they wish someone would put together a simple and affordable how-to course that outlines the best practices for retail based marketing & advertising. This is exactly what this series of videos will help you accomplish.
Click here to check out the cirriculum and our learning platform.
Do It Yourself Advertising covers branding, positioning, creating messages, tracking your results, digital media, social media, traditional media, reputation management and customer service issues. Your subscription gets you & your team unlimited access to all the content for a complete year.
I’ve even included a no-questions asked money back guarantee.
Just click this link and you’ll be able to check out the program.
Thanks again for considering Do It Yourself Advertising. I look forward to helping you create a marketing program that you can manage yourself.